& photos: Nish

When motor sport fans plan
their holidays, true petrol heads will always check how they can
maximise their vacation by adding as much "car" related
events to attend. That's exactly what we did in this case. Thailand
is a quick 2 hour flight from Malaysia and it hosts an international
motor show every year in the week after the Malaysian Grand Prix,
so it makes sense to do both events in one trip.
The Bangkok Motor Show offers a great mix of modified and new
car displays by most manufacturers. You can tell by driving around
in Malaysia and Bangkok that they definitely have a strong car
culture. Mostly rooted in Honda's and Toyota's, with BMW's and
Mercedes representing on the German front.
RICE may have come from America (I think), but it's alive and
well in the East in Malaysia and Bangkok. Body kitted Honda Civic's
claiming to be RR's and BMW E46 318's claiming to be M3's. And
they're bloody good at it especially when they're just sat in
a parking lot. They have the detail down to a "T", complete
with authentic grilles and even M3 fenders.
This show is held over a staggering 7 days. It's not a massive
show, but it's a decent show to attend. Each day major Thailand
car clubs take turns to represent with a small parking lot display.
On the day we attended the parking lot was well represented with
modified Suzuki Swifts and Mitsubishi Lancers.
Major car manufacturers did their best to wow the crowds with
hot show girls, unveilings and demonstrations. Why, oh Why Honda
didn't have a new Type R on display is beyond me. I suppose for
their environment and massive traffic issues, concentrating on
good looking small to medium sedans and hatchbacks makes more
sense. It also seems that Honda put alot of work into hybrid technology
in affordable packages. As did BMW, well, probably less affordable
in the BMW i8 and i3.
Most impressive were the Bike stands with latest models like the
new Ninja and Hayabusa making even us 4 wheel fans drool.

Apparently, the Motor show saw the unveiling of a New Ford Ranger,
can’t say we even noticed unfortunately.
What would a car show be without making new friends, and in our
case we spent alot of time at the Mothers stand, where our new
friend, Mr. Shouw got us sold on some old and new products ...
at a discounted rate of course Bangkok style. Where once you're
quoted a price you offer 50% of the value and work your way from
The only issue we had with the show is its new location. Previously
it was held at the Bangkok international convention centre, the
new location is further away from the city centre. It just made
fighting with taxi drivers about the price of trips or getting
them to use the damn meter more difficult.
Price you pay for being a “Farang” (Foreigner). Oh
and did I mention the girls? No need to mention as a picture says
a thousand words.
Be sure to check out the rest of the gallery below.