seems our salvation indeed lay in the vast untapped resources
of “smaller”. In the past, we have seen the
‘environment unfriendly’, ‘fuel regardless’
creations of oversized ‘abominations’ in the
form of gas guzzling cars with at least 8 cylinders up
front that not only used up an entire Arabian states oil
reserves when nipping off to the shops to buy a loaf of
bread, but also killed an entire population of baby Panda’s
in the process of manufacturing its door handles. Surely
this would all end very badly! And so it did.
need to go small has become quite big business. We see
it in the scientific and medical fields with nanotechnology
that aids them in anything from viewing humans on a molecular
level to even performing complicated procedures from the
inside. In military applications, entire populations can
be overrun with Nano-bots (robots no bigger than a red
blood cell) disrupting communication, disarming weapons
and so on, and the enemy wouldn’t even see it coming.
Amazing indeed that smaller is infact better.
with the onset of a peaking recession, rising fuel costs,
hairy environmentalists and ludicrous new vehicle prices
a new trend has been born on the automotive tuning side
of things as well, the Super Compact.
here to read the full article.