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Ninja Assassin

With a glossy black paint job for stealth and smoothed out bodywork that cuts through the air, this assassin will have you bleeding before you even knew you were cut. By Jason Sasman. Photography by Tauriq Abrahams.

I thought we had heard the last of Adeeb Dollie of Transformer-R fame. Like any post-featured “celeb” you’d think that he would have disappeared into obscurity and shifted out of the lime-light by now. Instead what he has gone and done...is gotten himself a bigger spotlight, a bigger centre stage and an even better car...by far. Except with this one, it’s not so visible, and has much more of a “killer” instinct.

Adeeb’s last ride was a white Honda 150i, transformed to look like a fully sorted VTEC model. This time however, there was no need for the detail changes as his new ride has the VTEC side of things sorted strait out of the box. But this new ride also did not escape Adeeb’s unique styling cue either, which is inspired from the furthest and deepest reaches of JDM. This not only sets him apart from many trying hard to get that certain look, but makes for one hell of a head-turner as well, with plenty of ‘stealth’ appeal.

The transformation journey taken with the Honda was once again not the easiest, but Adeeb had a certain look he was aiming for and wouldn’t stop till it was achieved. To start, the base plan was...”what would look better than a seriously lowered White Civic?” Simple... a Black one. And so as soon as Adeeb had acquired the car in early January of this year, it received a fresh coat of “Wet Black” paint, but not before having a new JDM style front bumper fitted, along with many TYPE R bits including: rear lip, extended rear wing and headlights. All the holes in the bodywork, after removing rear wiper, indicators and aerial, were sealed up too. Silky and smooth now best described the exterior of the car.

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