My introduction into the world Autophilia or ‘extreme
love of cars’ came about pretty much the same as
how many others would have experienced it, by nestling
the latest issue of a popular overseas car magazine, or
even better, obtaining a copy of a DVD showing the latest
from abroad. These media formats were choc-full of sweetly
tuned and styled cars that easily tore up their local
streets, in countries like the US, UK or Japan.
So imagine my dismay, and that of thousands of others,
when i discovered that the good old R.S of A has stricter
import policies than a German nanny named Olga looking
after the king’s virginal daughter. This crushed
many hearts, as well as many incorrectly imported vehicles.
The cars available from across our borders or over the
seas was much to be desired, as they came in shapes and
formats us local lads could only drool over while watching
those DVD’s or reading those magazines.
here to read the full article.